Sunday, October 23, 2011


Something I think has not benefited from evolution overtime, to now, an acid-coffee marathon in hard plastic chairs . . .

Berlin Apartment

We thought this Apartment was fascinating and amusing
In a way that is entirely positive . . .
Living in such a place would make one happy every day,
Nicht wahr?

Monday, October 10, 2011

Van Goghs Bedroom

Burcak Akce -with 5 you get 1 . . .

Now, as an american, one would tend to leap to the conclusion that there is a toalety papir shortage in Prage, but empirically, we believe this is not the case . . . Or we might believe that times are so tight here now that people must choose between burcak and toalety papir, but again, we would belive that this is not the case . . . And one could infer that drinking burcak could lead to conditions where extra toalety papir might be desirable or necessary, but our experience was rather a druggy, headachy sensation rather than any internal distress ... So I just think its funny, if you see how I mean.