Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tetzky Tatzky

Mrs was walking out of the Bila grocery store the other day . . . since it was our Anniversary Eve, she was loaded down a little bit, and the security guard for the apartment complex said something to her that she heard as “Tiskat Tasket” . . .


We worried it, but my colleague at work, my frequent interpreter of all things Czech, finally puzzled out, he must have been saying “Tetsky Tatsky” which means, “Heavy Basket” . . . he was asking her if she wanted help carrying it . . . 8^D . . . but she just said “Ne, Diky” and scurried up to the apartment.


Today at the Modigliani exhibit, the guard at the Entrance said something to her about her Tatsky, and instead of Freaking out she just showed her handbag to him to scan . . . . 8^D


But, like Ahoy from Ahoj, from the Czech via the Latin, Ad Honorem Jesu’, could A Tisket, A Tasket, be from the “Tetsky Tatsky”?


It’s all too, too droll to contemplate….


Search for Tisket, Tasket Ella Fitzgerald on YouTube for a hilarious rendition, from an Abbott and Costello movie, Ride “em Cowboy!.

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