Saturday, August 8, 2009


freedom - drzost

freedom - lehkost (mluvit anglicky ap.)

freedom - plynulost (mluvit anglicky ap.)

freedom - svobodné užívání čeho

freedom - svoboda

freedom - volnost

freedom - osvobození

freedom - svobodné užívání (čeho)

freedom - nezávislost

freedom - nenucenost

freedom - členství

freedom - neomezenost

freedom - nevázanost

freedom - otevřenost

freedom - přímost

freedom - upřímnost

freedom - volný přístup

In the 1969 World Series, Swoboda, not known for his fielding, made a spectacular rally-snuffing catch of a ball hit by the Baltimore Orioles' Brooks Robinson in the 9th inning of Game Four. The Mets won the game in the 10th inning, and subsequently, the World Series. A photograph of Swoboda, stretched almost horizontally, just inches off the ground, became an iconic image for Mets fans. The Right Field entrance gate of Citi Field, the current ballpark of the Mets, features a metal silhouette of a baseball player making a diving catch similar to the one Swoboda made during the 1969 World Series.

So, picture this . . .

Ron Swoboda’s ancestor at Ellis Island . . . staring incomprehensibly at the Immigration Official asking his name -- as blankly as I do at a Czech waiter asking me if I’m ready to order the food – but he spreads his arms theatrically and shouts “Swoboda” -- “Freedom” -- since he now will be in America . . . and that becomes his name . . . .

I just think its funny . . .

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